Facilitating Difficult Conversations in the Workplace

Zandy Headshot



Balancing Risk, Content and Relationships

Who Should Attend?

  • Anyone who has to mediate tricky workplace conversations, Managers and P&C Professionals

Tuesday 16 April 2024 – Half-Day
Small Group In-Person Workshop

Leaders, Managers, and P&C professionals often find themselves amid feisty conversations and are expected to resolve them or coach others through them. The manner and effectiveness with which they deal with the initial conversation will either escalate the risk of conflict OR reduce the heat and get everyone back on track, back to focusing on work priorities.

The Zalt Group is determined to increase your credibility, capability and confidence to approach, lead, manage and coach conflict resolution in your workplace.  Succeed in facilitating workplace conversations by refining and increasing your skills and mindset.

Why Should You Attend?

Guaranteed to be an informative, interactive and an essential skill-building workshop that will change the way you view and manage conflict for good!  It will:

  • Explore your role and reputation during workplace tension including the associated responsibility and perceptions around impartiality
  • Develop a proactive and deliberate mindset to effectively support others to have constructive conversations
  • Enhance conflict-resolution principles that transform “negative” conflict into “positive” conflict into collaboration
  • How to mediate or facilitate a difficult conversation – the nuts and bolts
  • Develop and grow your skill toolbox to manage the dynamics of a difficult conversation including:
    • Coaching others before, during and after the difficult conversation
    • Diagnose root causes of conflict
    • Identifying what does (and does not) need to be discussed
    • Making deliberate choices on how you are going to facilitate the conversation/s
    • Clarity on what you want to achieve and the experience you want for participants.
    • Interest-based problem solving and articulating what is agreed on
    • Clarifying points that participants are saying
  • Identify when things aren’t going well and what to do when:
    • Participants go off topic
    • Interpersonal dynamics or politics overwhelm or distract
    • Power dynamics and managing dominant and passive participants
    • There’s a lot of talking without making decisions
    • Emotional responses: tears, raised voices, biting personal retorts

Past Participant Comments:

Mediating difficult conversations was a fantastic course that allowed me to leverage Zandy’s experience and brain-teasing information to review and better guide difficult conversations.  Thoroughly enjoyable and relevant.
— Jade Fox – HR, GHD

Zandy and her facilitation skills kept the workshop relaxed yet move along at a great pace, I love that no slides were used!  Zandy and her wealth of experience in the area of problem-solving along with the content & various models were excellent and highly engaging.
— Kerry-Anne Hill – National Organisational Learning & Development Manager, PFD Food Services

*Please note: Dates may be subject to change