Engaging compliance training.... now there's a thought!!!

Engaging compliance training…. now there’s a thought!!!

Posted on Apr 1, 2015 in Communication,Conflict Resolution,HR,Latest Articles,Workplace Behaviours . 0 Comments.

Face2Face Compliance Training

The face to face training revolution is back! Well…….. I’m suggesting it should be for EO, Bullying and Code of Conduct training.

 Recently we facilitated some Workplace Behaviour and Code of Conduct Training. One of the comments on our feedback form read as follows “that was a brilliant 2 hours. I loved the fact we had conversations, rather than tick and flick computer test, and I could see my colleagues attitudes change before my eyes”. 

Make it interesting and engaging!

It got me thinking. Why don’t more businesses use this “compliance training” for valuable workplace relationship strengthening. In face to face training it’s other participants who prompt, question and give insights that challenge colleagues and allows for the group norming of behavioural expectations. It’s “attitude issues” that relate to negative stereotypes and experiences that often shape workplace cultures where permissive bullying and discriminatory behaviour becomes acceptable.  In a face to face forum these can be appropriately challenged and changed with experienced facilitators using the experience of others in the room.

detailed 2010 academic study found that people “preferred face-to-face learning for communication purposes in which a shared understanding has to be derived or in which interpersonal relations are to be established”. That is precisely what training based on behaviour is all about!!!

“that was a brilliant 2 hours. I loved the fact we had conversations, rather than tick and flick computer test, and I could see my colleagues attitudes change before my eyes”

We know that it’s compliance training, but you can actually make it more than tick the box. Real learning lies in the opportunity to question, debate, challenge, and even as is often the way in Respectful Behaviour Training, having a good laugh. Whilst the subject matter of what you can and can’t do in the workplace may seem simple and black and white, the complexities surrounding the thinking that guides appropriate behaviour is difficult and face to face training allows for the grey nuances to be explored. It helps shape thinking.

Ready to communicate businesses behavioural expectations or roll out refresher Code of Conduct, EO, Bullying, Discrimination and Harassment training? Give us a call to discuss some ideas for creative communication and training options.

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